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5 Reasons to Work with a Personal Trainer

  1. Stay on Track Meeting with me on a regular basis will allow me to continue guiding you towards your goals. Left to our own devices, we can often stray off the “right” path and lose our momentum. This leads to erratic results or even giving up altogether. We have all been there! “I will work out 3 times a week and lose 10 pounds by the end of the month” and by week 2 we have forgotten our very own plan.

  2. Avoid Injuries Technique and intensity are two very important factors that play a role in people hurting themselves while working out. Performing the exercise wrong, like using your back muscles instead of your hamstrings in a deadlift, can be devastating for your body. Similarly, going too hard too soon can lead to injuries that put you out of commission as well.

  3. Personalized Exercise Programs Not too sure what to do at the gym? You have an injury but would like to workout anyway? Everyone has a different circumstance and different goals. After we discuss your needs, I will create a training program especially for you. Not only that, the program will evolve as you improve as well.

  4. Flexible Schedule & Location That’s the beauty of a personal trainer, I can meet you at the gym, outdoors, at your place or even my place when it’s convenient to you.

  5. Be Challenged Finally, I offer more than just a workout. I also support you in your lifestyle changes and push you to get where you want to go. I offer introspective activities to help you figure out what is standing in your way of achieving your wellness goals. I have overcome smoking this way and can help you do the same.

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