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Meet Liane

My Vision

If you can't bring yourself to do some physical activity on a regular basis, something is up mentally that you need to deal with.
Sometimes you need some outside observation to help change your perspective on how you view your life. I'm here to help you decipher the walls you have put up around you and see if we can break some down so you can let some healing exercise back into your life.
I used to think about how hard workouts were so I would avoid them. I also would eat crappy food because I felt I deserved to do something that made me happy. Working on myself helped me change my perspective on these issues and has made me grow and feel much more in control of my well-being.
If you need some guidance with your emotional health surrounding workouts, please get in touch for a free consultation.





Certified Fitness Trainer 
and Activation Coach

I've been where you are: following the same bad habits, not having the motivation to do that first workout, worrying about how change will affect my daily comforts.


But I've also been at a place where finally enough was enough. I brought myself out of a stagnant period and into the best emotional and physical shape of my life.


Are you ready for that first work out?

Get in Touch

Have questions? Wondering if Seek Perspective is for you? Don't hesitate to ask!

Based in Montreal, Qc, Canada


Phone. 438.827.2407

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© 2020 by Seek Perspective

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